Monday, August 29, 2011

Steelmaster strong building Customer - Conda Hysell Review

"It is like nothing I have ever seen before,"

We had sliding doors located on each end of the building - they were both ripped off - some of the pieces were left and some were not.  The sky lights were completely gone allowing the rain to get in on the hay. Part of the metal sections were ripped off and hanging in a twisted mess. The building looks almost like it is in three sections now. The one section is still completely in the ground and has little damage. The second section has concrete and metal pulled out of the ground at least two feet - there are even pieces of lumber that have found their way under the concrete foundation. The third section has been pulled out of the ground at least a foot, and there are pieces of lumber and a tailgate from someone's Datsun truck sticking out from under it. It almost looks as if the tornado changed its mind and decided to leave the barn behind. [The SteelMaster] is a very strong building - actually stronger than the framed buildings that we had."

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