Tuesday, June 19, 2012

SteelMaster Gets Two Thumbs Up

Outside of Buffalo, New York in a town called Orchard Park, Dennis Bracci is happily (yes, happily) working away on his new SteelMaster A-Style 25’ x 34' Workshop.

Dennis works construction by trade, and his building will be a place where he can work on side jobs, enjoy his hobbies, and still have ample space for storage. He and a couple of his friends erected the main steel arched portion of his workshop, and Dennis is completing the rest on his own.

Since Dennis is in the construction industry, we asked his opinion of what he thought of the quality of the materials, ease of construction, and to share his general thoughts on his SteelMaster experience.

"To be honest, first I have to tell you why I decided to go with a SteelMaster Buildings," Dennis frankly stated. "My salesman, Daniel is 80% of the reason I ended up with you. The other 20%, well, obviously is your product. I really like Daniel’s laid-back style. He is professional and knowledgeable, but not pushy – like some other companies. One company acted like they would run out of buildings if I didn’t buy one right then, and another told me they had just what I needed on the dock ready to ship, and if I wanted it I needed to make up my mind fast. I mean, c’mon, who did they take me for?"

"Daniel was quick to respond to my questions, and when I told him I needed some time to think things over, it was ‘Hey… take your time. We will be here when you are ready.’ The problem with other companies is no one wants to give you time to think, and no one listens to the customer. He did. Daniel is a great guy. He won me over," added Dennis.

"If I looked at it from the perspective of someone not in the construction business, I would still say the SteelMaster kit and directions are great. Basically, if someone can line up the pre-placed holes for nuts and bolts, they can build one. Also watching SteelMaster videos on YouTube will help in the beginning to set everything straight. Hey, anyone can do this, because the directions are that good," Dennis said.

"Another thing that amazed me was the delivery driver called me on a Wednesday night to tell me he would be leaving the truck stop at 7AM and be at my house by 8AM the next morning. At 7:50 AM the next morning, the driver was at my house. You cannot beat that!" said Dennis.

Dennis added, "My building will be identical at both ends with a five-foot sliding glass door and two trapezoid windows on each gable end. It will have six foot walls and a foamed ceiling when completed."

SteelMaster Buildings not only provide comfort and security; but also structural integrity, low maintenance, and protection against snow, fire and hurricane force winds. Owning a SteelMaster Buildings with 100% unencumbered space puts you in control of your options. This gave Dennis the flexibility he wanted so he could customize the inside of his building to fit his needs.

SteelMaster’s steel and metal pre-engineered buildings are designed for a broad range of residential and commercial applications including workshops and storage, just like Dennis’. SteelMaster designs also include projects for homes, farm buildings, garages, agricultural storage, Quonsets, airplane hangars, RV storage, roofing systems, carports, military buildings, industrial storage, as well as a wide variety of custom building applications including athletic facilities, retail stores, churches, bus stops, smoke shacks, doggie dorms, and correctional facilities.

With more than 40,000 satisfied customers with buildings throughout the United States, in more than 50 overseas countries, and on six continents, SteelMaster is indeed a stand out, and remains the leader in Steel Arched Pre-fabricated Buildings world-wide.

"Bottom line, Dennis said, "Everything came off perfect. The quality of my SteelMaster Buildings is excellent. Two thumbs up for SteelMaster and to everyone who works there!"

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